
東京を拠点に活動するアーティスト sneakerwolf (竹中 基) のシグネチャーアート”Kanji-Graphy/カンジグラフィ”シリーズの作品を集めたアート展“A”が、クラチカ ヨシダ 表参道 the PORTER Gallery、仙台 Revolution LES COUREURS MENS にて開催。
今回のアート展のタイトルの”A”は、ARTISTとして“初めての個展”を意味するアルファベットの始まりである A。また、ARTISTとしてのATTITUDEを示す A。AGAINST、ALTERNATIVE、ABSTRACTなど作品に込められたメッセージである A。様々な “A” をテーマに製作した作品を発表する。
“A” (東京)
会場:the PORTER Gallery (クラチカ ヨシダ 表参道)
会期:6.3/Sat – 6.18/Sun 12:00 – 20:00 *Entrance Free
6.2/Fri 18:00 – 20:00 Opening Reception
“A” (仙台)
会場:LES COUREURS MENS(Revolution)
宮城県仙台市青葉区中央2-10-10 2F
会期:6.24/Sat – 7.9/Sun 11:00 – 20:00 *Entrance Free
- 数量限定にてノベルティを配布
江戸時代を発祥とし、火消し半纏や祭り、仕事半纏に見られるディフォルメされた伝統的な図案文字 “江戸文字”をルーツに、アルファベット(英単語、英文)の組み合わせによってKANJIを構築したsneakerwolfが独自に作り上げたアートスタイル。漢字(日本語)を意味するKANJI と 英語を意味するCalligraphy(英語)を組み合わせた造語として、”Kanji-Graphy/カンジグラフィ“シリーズと名付けています。愛すべき伝統、文化を、現代的な表現によって再構築することで、固定観念や旧態依然、先入観などの考えをなくし、自由でフラットな思考を与えることをテーマに製作しています。
【sneakerwolf/MOTOKI TAKENAKA 】
その集大成とも言える”Kanji-Graphy/カンジグラフィ“シリーズを筆頭に、独学で描き続けることでスキルアップしたその作品の数々は様々な分野で高い評価を受け、NIKE,NEW BALANCEやASICSなどのスポーツブランドから、アパレルブランドへのグラフィック提供を始め、イラストレーション・サインペイントやウォール、ウィンドウペイント等、フリーハンドによって描かれる様々なアートワークを提供し続け、世界を魅了している。
【sneakerwolf Exhibition】
Tokyo based artist, MOTOKI “sneakerwolf” TAKENAKA, is set to present a series of his original Kanjigraphy artwork
at the PORTER Gallery and Revolution LES COUREURS MENS SENDAI. The upcoming show marks his first solo exhibition as an artist, and with similar meaning, begins with the first letter of the alphabet, “A.” Running as the theme of the series, the letter A also conveys various messages of ATTITUDE, AGAINST, ALTERNATIVE, and ABSTRACT. A variety of themes in “A” are expressed throughout the artwork.
Originating from the Edo period, the Hanten [a traditional Japanese garment] was worn by fire-fighters, worn during festivals, and used as regular workwear, with “Edo-lettering” being an iconic feature on the back. Drawing from these roots, sneakerwolf has developed an original art style through combining Edo-lettering together with letters from the Roman alphabet that actually spell out words in English; the result of which has an overall Kanji [Japanese characters] appearance. Through the combination of Japanese characters [Kanji] with English [Calligraphy], sneakerwolf has coined the phrase “Kanji-graphy,” also serving as the name of the series. One’s respected tradition and culture is reconstructed as a modern means of expression. The artwork encourages us to do away with stereotypes, old ways, and preconceived notions; enabling us to freely express our thoughts.
【sneakerwolf/MOTOKI TAKENAKA 】
Ever since he was a young boy, he has been greatly influenced by the uniquely Japanese culture of manga and animation. He started out with his own creation based on the skill developed by copying those art works.
After that, he has made serious commitment to street cultures like skateboarding and graffiti arts as well as traditionally Japanese cultures including ukiyoe, Edo literatures and Japanese-style painting, and built his own perspective of the world that he still bases on to date. Continuously improving the creative skills not by special education but by restless self-instruction, he has created works that were highly acclaimed in various fields. He has been providing graphic works to sport brands such as NIKE, NEW BALANCE and ASICS as well as clothing brands, and releasing various freehand drawing arts like illustration wall decals and window paints, all of which hold the entire world captive.
at the PORTER Gallery (クラチカ ヨシダ 表参道)
5-6-8 Jingumae Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
6.3/Sat – 6.18/Sun 12:00 – 20:00 *Entrance Free
6.2/Fri 18:00 – 20:00 Opening Reception (Open to the public)
at LES COUREURS MENS (Revolution)
2-10-10 Chuo Aoba-ku Sendai-shi, Miyagi
6.24/Sat – 7.9/Sun 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM *Entrance Free